******************* Java Support - atdj ******************* The ATDJ tool generates a Java interface from an ATD interface. In particular, given a set of ATD types, this tool generates a set of Java classes representing those types. These classes may then be instantiated from JSON representations of those same ATD types. The primary benefits of using the generated interface, over manually manipulating JSON strings from within Java, are safety and ease of use. Specifically, the generated interface offers the following features: - JSON strings are automatically checked for correctness with respect to the ATD specificion. - Details such as optional fields and their associated default values are automatically handled. - Several utility methods are included “for free”. These support equality testing, the visitor pattern and conversion back to JSON. Installation ============ Build and install the ``atdj`` command with `opam `__: :: opam install atdj Quick-start =========== In this section we briefly describe how to to generate a Java interface from an example ATD file ``test.atd``. We then show how to build and run an example application ``AtdjTest`` that uses the generated interface. #. Generate and compile the interface: :: atdj -graph -package com.mylife.test test.atd export CLASSPATH='.:json.jar' javac com/mylife/test/*.java #. Compile and run the example, saving the output for later inspection: :: javac AtdjTest.java java AtdjTest >test.out #. Optionally, generate Javadoc documentation: :: javadoc -d doc -public com.mylife.test The resulting documentation is located in the directory ``doc``. #. Optionally, generate a class graph of the generated interface: :: dot -Tpdf test.dot >test.pdf The output file ``test.pdf`` contains a class graph of the generated Java interface. The required ``dot`` program is part of the Graphviz graph visualisation package, and may be downloaded from http://www.graphviz.org/. In the following sections we discuss the individual steps in more detail, using the example from above. Generating the interface ======================== In this section we describe the process of generating a Java interface from an ATD specification. A Java interface is generated from an ATD file as :: atdj -package This outputs a set of Java source files. The ``-package`` option causes the resulting classes to be members of the specified package, and also to be located in the corresponding output directory. If no package is specified, then the default package of ``out`` is used. For example, the command :: atdj -graph -package com.mylife.test test.atd causes the generated files to be members of the package ``com.mylife.test`` and to be located in the directory ``com/mylife/test``. The generated source files reference various members of the included org.json package. Therefore, in order to compile the generated files, the ``org.json`` package must be located within the Java classpath. Supposing that the ``org.json`` package is located within the archive ``json.jar`` within the current directory, it is sufficient to set the classpath as follows: :: export CLASSPATH='json.jar' Returning to our example, the generated source files may then be compiled as: :: javac com/mylife/test/*.java Generating Javadoc documentation ================================ The generated Java code contains embedded Javadoc comments. These may be extracted to produce Javadoc documentation. In the case of our example, it is sufficient to run the following command: :: javadoc -d doc/example -public com.mylife.test Generating a class graph ======================== We now discuss the ``-graph`` option of ATDJ. When enabled, this causes ATDJ to output a graph of the class hierarchy of the generated code. The output is intended to document the generated code, helping users to avoid consulting the source code. Continuing with our example, the use of this option results in the generation of an additional output file named ``test.dot``. Assuming that the ``dot`` program is installed, a PDF class graph named ``test.pdf`` can then created by running the command :: dot -Tpdf test.dot >test.pdf In the generated class graph, rectangular and oval nodes correspond to classes and interfaces, respectively. Field names are specified in the second line of retangular (class) nodes. Solid arcs denote subtyping (``implements``/``extends``), whilst dashed arcs link fields to their types. Translation reference ===================== In this section we informally define how Java types are generated from ATD types. Bools, ints, floats, string, lists ---------------------------------- +---------------+------------------+ | ATD type, t | Java type, | +===============+==================+ | bool | boolean | +---------------+------------------+ | int | int | +---------------+------------------+ | float | double | +---------------+------------------+ | string | String | +---------------+------------------+ | t list | [] | +---------------+------------------+ Options ------- Suppose that we have ATD type ``t option``. Then this is translated into the following Java reference type: :: public class CNAME implements Atdj { // Constructor public CNAME(String s) throws JSONException { ... } // Get the optional value, if present public CNAME get() throws JSONException { ... } // Comparison and equality public int compareTo(CNAME that) { ... } public boolean equals(CNAME that) { ... } public value; // The value public boolean is_set; // Whether the value is set } Records ------- Suppose that we have the ATD record type :: { f_1: t_1 ; ... ; f_n: t_n } Then this is translated into the following Java reference type: :: public class CNAME implements Atdj { // Constructor public CNAME(String s) throws JSONException { ... } // Comparison and equality public int compareTo(CNAME that) { ... } public boolean equals(CNAME that) { ... } // The individual fields public f_1; ... public f_n; } An optional field ``~f_i: t_i`` causes the class field ``f_i`` to be given a default value of type ```` if the field is absent from the JSON string used to instantiate the class. The default values are as follows: +------------+---------------------------------------+ | ATD type | Default Java value | +============+=======================================+ | bool | false | +------------+---------------------------------------+ | int | 0 | +------------+---------------------------------------+ | float | 0.0 | +------------+---------------------------------------+ | string | “” | +------------+---------------------------------------+ | t list | Empty array | +------------+---------------------------------------+ | t option | Optional value with is\_set = false | +------------+---------------------------------------+ Default values cannot be defined for record and sum types. An optional field ``?f_i: t_i option`` has the same default behaviour as above, with the additional behaviour that if the field is present in the JSON string then the value must be of type (not option); the value is then automatically lifted into a option, with is\_set = true. Sums ---- Suppose that we have the ATD sum type :: [ C_1 of t_1 | ... | C_n of t_n ] Then this is translated into the following Java reference types: :: public interface IFCNAME extends Atdj { public int compareTo(IFCNAME that); public boolean equals(IFCNAME that); ... } :: public class CNAME_i implements IFCNAME, Atdj { // Comparison and equality public int compareTo(CNAME that) { ... } public boolean equals(CNAME that) { ... } public value; } The value field is absent if the constructor C\_i has no argument. The Atdj and Visitor interfaces ------------------------------- All generated reference types additionally implement the interface :: interface Atdj { String toString(); String toString(int indent); int hashCode(); Visitor accept(Visitor v); } where the Visitor interface is defined as :: public interface Visitor { public void visit(CNAME_1 value); ... public void visit(CNAME_n value); } for generated reference types ``CNAME``\ \_i. Visit methods for primitive and optional primitive types are omitted.